PX To REM Converter
Below is a Pixel-to-REM converter that allows the user to calculate relative font size by converting Pixels to relative length Unit REM or vise-versa based on the root font-size of 16PX by default(with an option to change).
PX to REM or vise-versa (REM to PX) calculations will be performed based on this value.
Why REM is better than PIXEL?
Though it varies from case to case but most of the time using relative font-size such as REM is preferred by web developers especially working with responsive web design. The main reason for this choice is the fact that it is RELATIVE font-size and defining font-sizes in REM will allow browsers to scale-up the fonts based on their browser-settings.
How to use Pixel to REM Converter
Online Pixel to REM Converter is easy to use and will calculate reciprocal font value in realtime in 3 basic steps.
- Open https://www.utilityforweb.com/px-to-rem/
- All calculations are performed on 16px as base value. Change this value as per your needs.
- Enter numeric value either in PX textbox or REM textbox. The system will automatically calculate relative REM/PX value on the go.
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